Chopsticks, Asian food, an obscure language, bundling for -35 degree weather, talking without words, having relationships purely through Skype, including meat in every dish, singing in another language, cooking and making things from scratch: bagels, tortillas, pretzels, etc., learning to be at home on the other side of the world... These are just a few of the things that I have learned this past year. It is unbelievable to even think about the fact that I've been away from every thing I have ever known for a year [I realize a year is a tiny amount of time], much less that where I am now is familiar--also my home. There are some things I wish weren't so familiar, though. I wish seeing dead frozen puppies as I walk to work weren't familiar. I wish the constant awareness of the difficulties of everyone's home life, whether it be because of money problems or relational problems, weren't so familiar. I wish it weren't so familiar that the lack of jobs causes people ...