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Showing posts from November, 2010


this picture is now a false representation of what is happening in mongolia, since it is snowing right now. but this is what the week of fall looked was beautiful. that's our sweet church dog, joni, the one who is possibly pregnant [soon to give birth to puppy popsicles] this is a gathering of the praise team at our apartment. these are some of the senior citizens enjoying dancing with each other at a gathering a few weeks ago. they LOVE dancing. and last but not least, dobby and luna. i call this dobby's emo picture. i think she scowled so long that her face is now permanently like that.

a chronic revelation.

like all good stories, this one begins with a case of never ending strep throat. a self-diagnosed case but a case nonetheless. there once was a girl who moved to a country far, far away. in the beginning it was difficult to figure out all the ins and outs of this new place but after a while she figured it out and even got comfortable. she has been there for a while now but the time is running out. one day, while she was dealing with the pains of this chronic-like strep throat, she decided that she needed a reprieve from this intense pain. so, she went off to find buy some yogurt and juice, thinking a smoothie might be just the right fix. she was generally a talkative girl but due to the throat ache-age, she was unusually quiet. because of this she had been thinking a great deal about what would soon be happening in her life in the near future. a few days earlier she had received news that she would be returning to her home that is far, far away from the home she's found in what was...